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Showing posts from December, 2017

Merry Christmas And Happy New Year From Spiritual Health

Our religious occasions like Deepawali, Ied, Christmas, Guru Parva and all such events in all religions are the reflection of the underlying spiritual thought process in our religious thought processes. These festive occasions are based on the fundamental teachings of humanity and human values in the base of our religion and belief system. Festivals (both religious and cultural) create a lot of positive thinking and positive energy among a large population. Every religion or belief will have some spiritual component. When this spiritual element is amalgamated with specific rituals, ideas, and practices, it becomes a religion. Religion is the byproduct of the social, psychological and cultural developmental process of human beings. Throughout the history of human development, we created some ways to live and make our life happy by recognizing our spiritual needs; we call them religion.  Every religion has a spiritual base; it is not possible to conceptualize a religion without s...

From The Upcoming Book "Spiritual Health" (Coming Very Soon)

Our brain is a fantastic organ in our body.   Through the process of development, it has developed in the present form. It took millions and millions of years in this process of evolution and development to make us human beings where it put us apart from other animals, and make us unique in the whole animal kingdom, where we have acquired the enormous power to influence and alter the nature. In this process, the unique thought process of our brain is the driving force behind our actions and behavior at the individual level, at the community level, at our country level, at the global level and finally at the universal level. Our thought processes make the basic building blocks of our comprehensive thought process which we call humanity and human values. At some point in time, we start asking a question to ourselves about our existence, about our ‘ self,' about the purpose of our life, about our universe and its beginning and end, about death, what happens after...

Book - "Spiritual Health"

This book "Spiritual Health" is the result of my two years research on Spiritual Heath which is considered the fourth dimension of our health. It is a paradigm shift in our understanding of spirituality and spiritual thought process on our health and healthcare systems. Scientific analysis of spirituality and spiritual thought processes on our evolutionary timeline and its role in creating collective thought processes of humanity and human values across the cultures, countries, and religions. We have a lot of af ambiguities in defining our spirituality and religiosity. Generally, we take our religiosity as our spirituality. But it is not so. This book will provide answers to many questions around these two critical areas of human thought processes. Why it is necessary to understand this and why it is necessary to understand the different developmental and evolutionary history of spiritual, religious, scientific, cultural and philosophic thought processes for us? These ar...