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Showing posts from October, 2017

Spiritual Thought Process

Our brain is the amazing organ in our body, this about three pounds has the amazing capacity to learn, to store and to create different kinds of thought processes, made up of trillions of neurons and their synapses (connections between different neurons). Our brain and it's all thought processes are the results of millions of years natural evolutionary developmental process, which put the human beings on the top of the animal kingdom. All of our thought processes are the result of complex biochemical reactions in our brain, all of them are controlled by our DNA. This miracle molecule is a double helix structure and makes our genes. Our DNA also passed through the same natural evolutionary developmental process of millions of years to what we have today in our genes. All of our thought processes are controlled by our highly developed coding of human DNA. The spiritual thought process is the highly developed thought process of our brain. It has to control and regulating chara

Diwali In Our Spiritual Thought Process

Today is 'diwali'. Diwali is for the word 'Deepawali' meaning line of lamps 'दीप '. We have many mythological stories behind the reasons to celebrate it, we all know them, one very interesting one is that it was celebrated by the people in ancient Ayodhya, the capital of Lord Rama, when he returned back after exile of fourteen years, after defeating Ravana, the demon king. Apart from this there are some other stories as well, but the above mentioned story is the most famous among the people. Here we are going to discuss regarding the human thought process behind the festivities and festivals. The most interesting and amazing organ in our body is our brain and its thought processes make it very interesting and versatile, since it is our different thought processes which control our conscious mind and intelligence. All our thought processes are the result of very complex reactions of biochemicals and neurotransmitters in our brain. Human brain and human thou

Definition Of Spiritual Health

We have many definition of spiritual health , all of them have their own ambiguities and shortcomings.  Spiritual health can be defined a s ‘A complete balance of our thought processes, which helps in creating and promoting positive thoughts and control and stop negative thoughts, so that they can create a completely positive health in the form of physical, mental and social well being.’  It can be a practical definition of spiritual health. Our brain is an amazing organ in our body, it has developed in the present form, it took millions and millions of years in this process of evolution and development to make us human beings where it put us apart from other animals, and make us unique in the whole animal kingdom, where we have acquired great power to influence and alter the nature. It is our thought process which we can call as the collective thought process of humanity and human values, is a spiritual thought process. the definition of spiritual health should reflect thi

Defining Spirituality And Religiosity

Spirituality is the most important evolutionary and developmentally advanced thought process, which is developed to provide and search the answers of complex questions related to our ‘Self’ (life) and its existence beyond our physical body in nature and universe. Through amazing change in the coding of our DNA after a long process of millions and millions of years of natural evolution, which resulted into development of our brain and all other thought processes.  Spirituality became unique human thought process which put the human beings at the apex on animal kingdom and separate it from all other animal species. Spiritual thought process has the controlling nature which can control all other thought processes.  If we consider the evolutionary pedagogy we have two sets of thought processes one is that which we are taking forward from our ancestors in animal kingdom and other is the spiritual thought process which created all other human thought processes like religious,