Our brain is an
amazing organ in our body, it has developed
in the present form, it took millions and millions of years in this process of
evolution and development to make us human beings where it put us apart from
other animals, and make us unique in the whole animal kingdom, where we have
acquired great power to influence and alter the nature. It is our thought process which we can call as the collective thought process of humanity and human values, is a spiritual thought process. the definition of spiritual health should reflect this.
The present concept of health and thought process
behind it is the holistic thought. WHO define health as ‘Complete physical
mental and social well being and not merely an absence of disease and
infirmity.’ Spiritual health is an important dimension of our health and
considered as ‘Fourth Dimension’ of our health. The definition of spiritual heath has multiple dimensions and multiple expressions. It depends on our religious and cultural beliefs, social and economic conditions, education etc.
To be continued....
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