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Spirituality, Religions, ans Science in Context of Human Health - Spiritual Health

WHO defined health as “A state of Complete physical, mental, social, and spiritual well-being and not merely an absence of disease or infirmity.” t his reflects a positive thought about our health. Though this idea is not new, in Ayurveda, our ancient knowledge of human health the ‘balance’ between various physical, mental and social functioning of the human body is considered as a core value of health and wellness. Modern medicine is criticized for its mechanistic approach towards human health and wellness. Even the definition as mentioned above is considered incomplete and misinforming about human health by many people. Addition of the fourth dimension, the spiritual dimension gives it completeness in some respects. With all these criticisms the WHO definition is widely accepted and applied definition of human health across the globe by healthcare professionals and researchers. The fourth dimension, the Spiritual Dimension is widely discussed among people, physicians, c
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New Paradigms In Our Understanding Of Spirituality (From a paper presented at an International Conferance at Bangkok (Thailand) on 14th March 2019 by Dr. Mahesh Bhatt)

On comparing available information on the internet and analyzing them we can say Spirituality is a human thought like all other thoughts, and still, it is evolving. We can find the strong view of connecting of spirituality and religions ; it started transforming after 15the century with the advent of the scientific revolution, where scientific thought process started taking a central role in the collective human thought processes. The relationship between spirituality and religions also find newer dimensions after increasing interactions and understandings between eastern and western philosophies. Scientific and industrial revolutions provide answers to many questions and fears of human survival and the existence of life on earth, which were earlier in the domains of gods, religions, and religious practices. In 19 th and 20 th centuries, the spiritual thought gradually being considered as an evolved thought of human brain, it started being perceived as a different thoug

Definition of Spiritual Health.

  Spiritual Health Spiritual Health can be defined as "A state of complete balance of thoughts in the ecosystem of all thought processes in our brain, for a positive effect on our physical, mental, and social health." Spiritual Health is considered the fourth dimension of our health. Other three dimensions physical, mental, and social health always affected by our thoughts. The positive thoughts, which are the thoughts of humanity and human values always have a significantly positive effect on all dimensions of our health.

Environment and Health - A Spiritual Concept of Life and Environment Protection.

Health as it is defined by WHO as "A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely an absence of a disease or infirmity." is the widely accepted definition of human health. A fourth dimension of "Spiritual Health" is also added to the existing three dimensions namely Physical, Mental, and Social dimensions. If we see this definition, it is a human thought and a concept, which see the human health beyond the body. Naturally, this concept of health cannot exist without a conducive healthy environment. Human health took the center stage in all the discourse of environmental issues, pollution, and climate change. Since life is precious on earth and human life is considered the most evolved form of life, this important fact made human health and environment two inseparable entities and thoughts in collective human consciousness. The spirituality and spiritual thinking, which gave the modern concept of health a completeness also reflected in

आध्यात्मिकता एवं दीपावली,

हम आध्यात्मिक सोच को इस उदाहरण से समझ सकते हैं। हम सभी ने दीवाली मनाई, हम सब खुश हुए इसका हमारे स्वास्थ्य पर अच्छा असर हुआ। लेकिन इस खुशी में हमने पटाखे जलाये, अत्यधिक शोर मचाया, इससे प्रदूषण हुआ, इसका हमारे स्वास्थ्य पर बुरा असर हुआ, कुछ बीमार लोग हमारी खुशी मनाने के तरीकों से बहुत परेशान हुए, पशुओं को पटाखों के शोर से बहुत परेशानी हुई। इस वास्तविकता में हम दो विचारों से रूबरू हुए। पहला विचार - हमें पटाखे नहीं फोड़ने चाहिए, क्योंकी ये पर्यावरण को, हमारे स्वास्थ्य को एवं बीमार लोगों को नुकसान करता है। दूसरा विचार - दीवाली हमारा त्योहार है, ये पटाखों की एवं शोर की बात दीवाली में ही क्यों उठती है, अन्य लोग भी ऐसे शोर मचाते हैं, पटाखे छोड़ते हैं, तब तो पर्यावरण की चिंता नहीं करते। इन दोनों विचारों में निश्चित तौर पर पहला विचार दूसरों के हित से जुड़ा है, मतलब मानवीय है। जबकि दूसरा विचार आत्मकेंद्रित है, जिसमे हम अपने कार्य को, ये अच्छी तरह से जानते हुए भी कि, ये किसी भी तरह से हमारे स्वास्थ्य के लिए एवं मानवता के लिए ठीक नहीं है, उसको सही शिद्ध करने को आतुर हैं। अतः पहला विचार आध्यात्मिक

Spirituality Defined Through the Prism of Religions is Misleading.

We have the fantastic world of our thoughts, which are the products of the biochemical reactions and movement of ions in and out of the neuron cells of our brain, we call them as 'Thought Processes.' We have evolved and developed them in a natural evolutionary process of millions of years. These are behind the creation of success story of the species Homo sapiens, which put them at the apex of the animal kingdom with its immense powers (both negative and positive). So, we have a factory of different thought processes in our brain which are churning out various thoughts continuously. We have roots of all our thoughts in our evolutionary history, and it's biology. During the journey of the evolution of thoughts in Homo sapiens from the basic animal thoughts to the modern human views of culture, science, and philosophy, Human ideas evolved with all their negativities as well. The capacities of the human brain are due to its effective thought processes. As the Homo sapiens

Simple Definition Of Spirituality

It is interesting when we get the definition of Spirituality by scientific evolutionary principles. For better spiritual health and to lead a healthy lifestyle, our understanding of religions and spirituality, their ambiguities and deferences are necessary. Why it is so, you will find such complex questions and their scientific and straightforward answers in this book #SpiritualHealth                                           >>>Click Here To Buy "Spiritual Health"<<< 

Spirituality and Religions - A simple approach to understand and defining Spirituality and Relogion

Concepts Of Positive Energy In Our Thought Processes

#SpiritualHealth Energy is the universe and universe is energy. We can understand it with this simple scientific logic that each and every object living or non-living is made of atoms, and atoms are made up of many subatomic particles, if we peek inside those atoms we will find different strata of energy spinning around a nucleus, we call it atomic energy. It is not possible for the universe to exist without energy. Similarly, life is energy. Plants store energy from the sun and pass it to food chain which runs the life in the animal kingdom. From the strict laws of physics, energy cannot be divided into the categories of positive energy and negative energy, but we have positive and negative impact of energy on our health, social and cultural life. So, that energy which have good results for our health and life, we call it positive energy and if it is adverse then we call it as negative energy. We can understand it with a simple example, suppose somebody run for a distance to d

Extreme Religiosity Hampers and Obstructs Our Spirituality

YOU CAN BUY THE BOOK "SPIRITUAL HEALTH" HERE #SpiritualHealth Religiosity can potentially change our thoughts to extremist thoughts. In such a situation someone can kill themselves or can kill others. We are witnessing both the circumstances around us globally. When eleven people of one family in Delhi kill themselves on the name of some belief or religious ritual, indeed, it is the transformation of religious thought process into an extreme thought process. It turned into a psychological disorder, which appeared in its cruel forms without any apparent signs and symptoms since religious rituals are considered normal in society, and when we noticed it, it has spoiled many lives. It is evident in all such incidences in the recent past. In our society, we erroneously take religion and spirituality as the same or synonymous. In fact, we follow a religion, belief, cult or guru for spiritual peace and it is their prime duty to nurture and develop our spirit

Science Can Be A Religion In Future

          (You Can Buy "Spiritual Health" written by Dr. Mahesh Bhatt Here) Science is the systemic study of nature. Science is the result of our critical thinking process. It started with our critical thinking ability to look into the different natural processes, and initially, we ended up calling them miracles of nature. So, it pushed us to make room for hypothetical thinking. In this process, we created many possible explanations to understand all that was happening around us, in that process we created many theoretical concepts, including the existence of some supernatural power (God)—people of different faiths name it and imagine it in various forms. All of this was a continuous effort by our brain to know Nature and its functioning. We created many mythological characters that can do what our brain thinks to do. Characters that can treat our illnesses, characters that can fly, characters that can see the things in remote areas, characters that can protect our soc

Defining Spirituality In Hindi

आप इस किताब को यहाँ क्लिक कर खरीद सकते हैं अतिधार्मिकता हमारे विचारों को अतिरेक से भर देती है। इसमें कोई दूसरे की जान ले लेता है तो कोई अपनी जान दे देता है। दोनों ही उदाहरण हम अपने चारों ओर देख रहे हैं। दिल्ली में जब एक ही परिवार के 11 लोग अपनी जान दे देते हैं, वो भी किसी विश्वास या धार्मिक आस्था के अनुष्ठान के तहत, तो ए भी निश्चित तौर पर अतिधार्मिक विचारों का अतिरेकी (extreme) रूपांतरण है। ये सीधे तौर पर एक मानसिक ब्याधि बन जाता है, लेकिन इसका आभास किसी को नहीं हो पाता, क्योंकि समाज मे पूजा करना या धार्मिक होना कोई बुराई नहीं माना जाता है ओर जब तक पता लगता है तो तब तक बहुत देर हो चुकी होती है जैसा कि उक्त घटना में हुआ लगता है। हमारे समाज में हम धर्म एवं आध्यात्म को एक ही मानने की भूल कर बैठते हैं। हम कोई भी धर्म, गुरु, या पंथ की शरण में आध्यात्मिक शांति के लिए ही जाते हैं। अगर देखा जाय तो विश्व के सभी धर्मों, विश्वासों, गुरुओं आदि का काम यही है कि वो हमारी आध्यात्मिकता को पोषित करें, लेकिन होता इसका उल्टा है। इन सभी जगहों पर अध्यात्मिकता के नाम पर धार्मिकता को बढ़ा