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Showing posts from November, 2017

DNA and Spirituality

Spirituality is the highest and most human thought which is produced by our Spiritual Thought Process . DNA also is known as deoxyribonucleic acid, is a complex double helical molecule, which has a coding system based on four bases adenine, thymine, guanine and cytosine. It is the evolution of DNA which makes life possible in present form on earth. It is the vital component of our genes, which brings all the biological information from one generation to next generation. There are two characteristics which differentiate a living system from a nonliving system. First is all living systems can produce energy to sustain them and second is a living system can reproduce itself. DNA and RNA play essential roles in both the situations. Every living animal cell has DNA in its nucleus. In a living system, two different cells of two different systems will have different codes for different functions. Like kidney cells and liver cells in our body will have different codes according to their r

Evolutionary Journey of Spiritual Thought Process and Spirituality

Development of human brain started with the appearance of the neural plate (a group of cells) at around 7nth week of embryonic life. We can call it as our primitive brain, then it forms a neural tube and finally into our brain, brainstem and spinal cord in the third trimester of our embryonic life we have a well-formed brain and spinal cord. Studies have shown that our human learning process started in the womb of mother before birth. Interestingly our brain follows the same evolutionary mechanism from the primitive brain to the most complex human brain, as we have in our evolutionary history. The only difference is that it took only nine months in the womb to complete a process which took millions and millions of years on the natural evolutionary timeline. It happens because of the codings in our DNA in our genes, again which took millions of years to develop into human DNA. Every thought process in our brain is because of complex biochemical reactions and movement of ions in ce

Why The Spiritual Health Is Important?

Our Spiritual Health can be considered as the fourth dimension of our health, other three dimensions being Physical, Mental and Social. A good positive spiritual health has a direct effect on our health. Spiritual health is all about our unique Spiritual Thought Process. Our spiritual thought process is evolved as a controller, correcting and modifier in the ecosystem of our whole thought process. Spiritual thought process controls, correct and modify our all thought processes in our brain, like the religious, scientific, cultural and social thought process. Interestingly all of these thought processes can also affect the spiritual thought process as well. (See our previous article) For a positive physical, mental and social health it is necessary to have positive thought processes in our brain. Positive thought processes help in releasing specific biochemicals in our system which have direct or indirect positive effect on our physiology and biochemistry. So, they enhance all other

What is Spiritual Health?

Today I am writing this blog article since I received many queries about this question after my previous article about spirituality and religiosity. It has been our common tendency globally to associate our spirituality and religiosity. Every person a multi-billionaire, a middle-class or a poor person, all are searching and looking for their spiritual needs, they are seeking their spirituality. In that process, we try everything from religion, cultures to science. At one end we follow a religion or a guru, and at another end, we become an atheist. We can worship some god, or we can do some social work like helping people, doing philanthropy, etc. But, all of us have one goal in our mind, and that is to realize our spirituality. All of these activities we are doing under two thought processes one is the spiritual thought process and other is the religious thought process. All of them are fine till it is in the positive side of our thought processes, but if any of above thought pro

Spirituality, Religiosity and their Ambiguities

Spirituality and religiosity are two different words with different meanings, but they have many ambiguities in their definition and expression. When we talk about spirituality, we start talking about our religious and cultural beliefs, faith and their practices. We take our religiosity as our spirituality. In fact, they are expressions of our two different thought processes. Religiosity is the expression of our religious thought process and spirituality is the expression of our spiritual thought process. Every religion has a base of spirituality, but the major component of the religion is created by the beliefs, practices, and rituals which give the identity to the religion. In that way, religion is a group of individuals who have common beliefs, practices, and rituals to attain their spirituality. Interestingly spiritual component will be the same in all religions, but in the vicinity of religions, our other thought processes of religion and identity prevent the deve

Our 'Soul'

Yesterday at a presentation I was asked to define 'Soul.' I found difficulty in describing this type of question. Being a surgeon, I face such question many times. I am working on Spiritual Health for last many years, and I found such issues are due to the complexities of our thought process and ambiguities in our understanding. I like to explain these questions on my scientific knowledge and reasonings. Religious answers will be different for different people of different religious beliefs, but scientific reasoning and science will be equal and same for all people of different faiths. This is the reason that I found scientific thought process nearer to spiritual thought process than the religious thought process. We know that every living systems from a unicellular animal like Amoeba to human beings, all have life in their cells. A living system can be defined by its ability to produce energy to sustain it and reproduce it. If any system is unable to do this, it means it