Happiness and bliss is an emotion related to our wellbeing. It can range from a sense of contentment to real joy. Happiness is considered the most mental perception of our wellbeing. So, we can say that happiness is a happy mental state. United Nations declared the 20th March as the ‘International Day of Happiness,' to recognize the social importance of the joy in every sphere of life.
Bliss is defined as a state of magnified happiness. It occurs with some personal achievements, contentment, and fulfillment. Bliss is described differently in different faiths and religions as happiness. Biologically bliss and happiness are the products of the same thought processes in our brain. Religious concepts define pleasure according to their fundamental beliefs and objectives. The idea of eternal bliss in religions is purely a religious thought process. Eternal bliss is considered the supreme level of happiness, where we can have joy without boundaries. Different religions have different means to get that state of happiness. Most of the religious teachings are based on specific religious practices to reach that state. It helps the people believing in different religious beliefs to feel happy while practicing their religious rituals, prayers, and other traditions.
In different cultural and religious philosophies happiness appeared more as a concept rather than a pure emotion. While in western philosophies happiness is considered as the sense of well being, good quality of life, in other cultures, like in Hinduism it is found more of a self-recognizing condition with its emotional reaction which comes from our inner self. In Hinduism and Buddhism, they do not give much importance to the physical wellbeing. We human beings have a lot of work done on the happiness from ancient civilizations to modern times. Almost all the religions happiness is the central theme, around which religious teachings are created.
Psychologists consider happiness and bliss as a family of similar pleasant emotions like joy, amusement, satisfaction, gratification, triumph, and euphoria. Happiness is also considered an essential reflection of well-being. Many theories have evolved about happiness by psychologists and human behavior scientists. Even some scales have been developed to measure the happiness. Happiness only does not depend on the physical wellbeing, it just does not base on extrinsic factors of pleasures, but it is considered more than that.
Our thought processes and different thoughts about our life affect our experience of happiness. We can have many such examples in our life that we cannot maintain happiness without them. Our health is one of them, in a negative state of health we cannot be happy in any condition, but our thought process if appropriately trained can make us happy even in worse conditions.
An important biochemical substance (neurotransmitter) known as Serotonin which is found mainly in the intestinal tract and our brain, is considered significant in the physiology of happiness, mood, sleep, learning and memory functions of our mind.
At physiological level happiness is a result of complex biochemical reactions in our brain. Other thoughts influence it. Positive thoughts affect this mechanism positively, and we have a feeling of happiness, while negative thoughts decrease our sense of joy.
Every person in the world wants to experience happiness and bliss in their life, so our thought processes keep on striving for getting a different kind of ways and solutions for it. All the religions and beliefs have strong teachings regarding the various means and methods to achieve the happiness, joy, and bliss in our life. Since all of us are not happy with our different situations in our life our mind at the conscious level and subconscious level keep on searching happiness and joy. Our religious and cultural beliefs help us to find the path to get happiness, joy, and bliss.
This whole process is the part of collective human consciousness, collective human intelligence, and collective human thought process, that appears in religions, cultures, science, psychology, sociology, philosophy and theology. This whole thought process of happiness, joy, and bliss is an integral part of our spiritual thought process and spirituality. Biologically at the level of physiology, in our brain, the essential biochemical reactions are playing their role in creating the whole thought process. Our developmental and evolutionary process coded our DNA to finetune their influences on our conscious brain. In such a way, we have done such a fantastic work by developing different theories and invented many paths to find that happiness, joy, and bliss in the form of our religions, cultures, beliefs, science, theology, sociology, psychology, etc. etc.
To keep ourselves happy is the underlying thought process which has a natural origin very early in the animal kingdom. With the process of natural evolution, our brain and its thought processes get great development and complexities, our all theories, concepts, ways, etc. all are the result of evolution. Many studies conducted on the animals have shown that they also look for happiness, but their search for happiness is straight (like getting food) and we have developed a sophisticated thought process around this fundamental need of obtaining happiness, joy, and bliss.
Spirituality and spiritual thought process are positive thought process hence they are very much useful in promoting and maintaining happiness. All kind of positive thought processes can create happiness, by their nature of affecting other negative thought processes directly or indirectly either to change them to positive thoughts or to suppress them.
Human happiness is considered as a guiding idea in social sciences and politics for the development of communities and countries. It is regarded as the reflection of the social and economic development of communities. It gave a new idea in economics which is called the ‘Happiness Economics.' With these ideas happiness of the people is considered the basic idea behind democracy, this is the primary thought behind the Human Happiness Index reports by United Nations, which is published every year to see the happiness level of the people in different countries.
Happiness can be seen as a positive thought process, and it helps in maintaining and promoting the different interpersonal relations among people. If we are happy it reflects in our behavior and our approach to the various spheres of our life, it helps in decreasing conflicts and improves our confidence to make people around us happy.
At the community level, happiness creates an improved social system by better understanding and tolerance among people. Happiness helps in decreasing incidences of many mental and physical health problem. It creates a vicious cycle of more positive health leading to more happiness. Many lifestyle-related health problems can be prevented by simple measures to increase happiness level among the individuals and communities. Stress, blood pressure, depression, etc. can be controlled or have a better outcome of the different treatment modalities. So, happiness helps in maintaining and promoting physical, mental and social health in the community.
Spiritual health has a direct relation to happiness. We can say the primary aim of the spiritual health is to enhance, promote and maintain happiness, by fostering positive thought processes in our brain. All the positive thought processes help in releasing neurotransmitters and hormones which are helpful in creating all thought processes of happiness in our mind, which finally influence our conscious brain and our intelligence with some positive effects, which are reflected on all the dimensions of our health and social life.
The concept of bliss and eternal bliss is a spiritual idea, a product of our spiritual thought process and spirituality. We can see the surprising similarity of this basic idea in almost all the religions and beliefs. Their path and means may be different to feel the bliss based on their beliefs. Sometimes they may appear very scientific, and sometimes they may seem bizarre, but the fundamental idea remains the same, and that is to get happiness in our life, so they have a high attraction, and all of us get attracted to them.
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